Port Strike Ends & How Containerization Shaped the Modern World

Photo: Associated Press/Nick Ut

The eight day port strike on the West Coast is over, thank goodness. On November 27th, a group of 450 clerks in the port of Los Angeles/Long Beach, who had worked without a contract for over two years, walked out.   In solidarity with the clerks, 10,000 longshoremen also walked off the job, shutting down 10 of the port’s 14 container terminals, in one of the busiest traffic seasons of the year.

As reported by ABC News: “Los Angeles and Long Beach account for about 40 percent of all container cargo shipped to the United States, most of it from Asia. Several billion dollars worth of goods have been left to sit on the docks. More than 90 percent of toys sold in stores is made in China and other Asian nations.”  Oddly enough, the strike was not over money.  Including benefits, the clerks are paid around $165,000 per year.  The issue that caused the strike was related to potential outsourcing of some clerical positions.

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Tension Rising in the South China Sea – Chinese Threatens to Board Ships, India and Vietnam Respond

Tensions are rising in the South China Sea, where at least a half dozen nations are asserting a jumble of overlapping claims of sovereignty, fishing and mineral rights.  China is now ramping up their claims by announcing that as of January 1st of next year, authorities in the Chinese province of Hainan will board and seize control of foreign ships which they consider to have violated China’s expansive claim of territorial waters in the South China Sea. Surin Pitsuwan, secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), said the Chinese plan was a “very serious turn of events”.

India and Vietnam have both responded by threatening to deploy naval patrols to protect their vessels operating in the contested region.  Vietnam has complained of Chinese interference with oil exploration operations and fishing. Vietnam has announced marine patrols of their own in the disputed waters which will begin on January 25th. India’s Navy chief Admiral D K Joshi  has also announced that India will deploy naval assets to protect its interests in the region.

The Next Global Hotspot to Worry About

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The Hurricane Sandy Pollution Response Unified Command Tackles the John B. Caddell

I have great admiration for those whose successfully navigate the rocks and shoals of the bureaucracy in order to get anything done around New York harbor. A Coast Guard press release brought this to mind. The US Coast Guard is working with at least eight other agencies to develop a plan to remove the John B. Caddell, a 700 gross ton water tanker, that washed up on Front Street, in Staten Island, NY during Hurricane Sandy.

The Coast Guard is working with the Army Corps of Engineers, the New York City Office of Emergency Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York City Sheriff’s Department, Joint Field Office Queens, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Environmental Protection Agency and Oil Spill Response Organizations to remove the tanker and to develop a solution to eliminate the pollution threat.

Unified Command developing plan for John B. Caddell removal

So far the owner of the ship has not been identified which has complicated its removal. Thanks to Dave Shirlaw on the MARHST-L list for pointing out the press release.

Will the South Street Seaport Sink Post-Sandy?

The news this week from the South Street Seaport Museum was good. The Museum’s Bowne Stationers has reopened its doors after being flooded by Superstorm Sandy.  There had been serious concern that the 19th century type and letterpress equipment  might be seriously damaged or destroyed by the flood. A small army of volunteers, however, successfully dried and cleaned the type and have cleaned and restocked the store so that it can reopen. Much of the rest of the South Street Seaport Museum remains closed,but they are working toward reopening as soon as possible.

Other news was not as good.  Real estate executives are speculating whether the major flooding damage will sink the seaport, at least economically if not literally.  The concern is that the repairs and renovations will be so extensive and take so long to complete that the tourists will move on to other areas in the city.  If the tourists no longer come to the shopping areas at South Street, the consequences for the seaport museum could be dire as well.

Long road to recovery for South Street Seaport

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HMS Bounty Tribute Wall Calendar 2013

Amy Mullen has a done a beautiful job producing a 2013 wall calendar in tribute to HMS Bounty.   The photos in the  17″x11″ wall calendar were taken by current or former crew of the ship on her adventures and have the location of the photo denoted. The proceeds of the calendar sales go to support the 2012 surviving crew of the HMS Bounty and families of two lost at sea when the historic tall ship sunk off the coast of North Carolina in Hurricane Sandy.
Amy writes: I sailed on the HMS Bounty in 2010 from from Bridgeport, CT around Nova Scotia and up the St. Lawrence Seaway through the Great Lakes to Duluth, Minnesota. These were the most life changing months I have ever experienced and I am so grateful and have thought of the ship every day since 🙂

HMS Bounty Tribute Wall Calendar

Fireboat John J. Harvey – 2012 Fall Benefit, Sunday December 2, Pier 66 on the Hudson River

About a month ago, we posted about the Fireboat John J. Harvey – 2012 Fall Benefit which was originally scheduled for October 22nd.  Superstorm Sandy’s arrival the next day, however  made rescheduling necessary.  It is on again, this Sunday, December 2nd, and it sounds like a great time.  The full day benefit for the historic Fireboat John J. Harvey will be held aboard the Historic Lightship Frying Pan on Pier 66 (26th and the Hudson River) in New York.

Special guests include Rosanne Cash and the Queen of the Meatpacking District, Florent Morellet.

There is a ‘family fun’ segment from 3pm to 5pm, and the cocktail party is from 5pm to 7pm. Bid on silent auction items, including 2 gorgeous museum quality prints of Harvey engine room artifacts from esteemed photographer Jean Miele, unique mosaics by artist Judy Negron, gift certificates from a host of wonderful restaurants including the extraordinary ’2nd Floor on Clinton’, a Diane Von Furstenberg bag favored by Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, and Jennifer Beal and more – come to the benefit and help the Harvey win the matching Federal Grant!!

Click here to learn more and buy tickets: John J Harvey Fundraiser

Coal Ash, Earmarks and the SS Badger – National Treasure or Environmental Menace?

Photo: Mark Hoffman

The SS Badger is a 410-foot long coal-fired passenger and vehicle ferry operating in Lake Michigan on a four hour shuttle service between Ludington, Michigan, and Manitowoc, Wisconsin. She began sailing in 1953 and is the last coal-fired passenger vessel operating on the Great Lakes. To her admirers, she is a national treasure, while to her detractors, she is an environmental menace that dumps more than 4 tons of toxic coal ash into Lake Michigan daily.  The Badger has been operating on an EPA waiver since 2008  that allows it to continue dumping ash. That waiver runs out  on December 19, 2012.

As reported by the New York Times, the supporters of the Badger have managed to get language to allow her to continue operation indefinitely included in a bill to continue funding the US Coast Guard.

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Single-Handing Minus One – The Strange Voyage of the Bela Bartok

Here is a wonderful story from Cruising World’s Editor’s Log about the very strange voyage of the 31-foot cruising sailboat, Bela Bartok.

Derk Wolmuth was sailing Bela Bartok in last summer’s Singlehanded TransPac race between San Francisco and Kaua’i, Hawaii when he suffered a life-threatening bout of septic shock and couldn’t continue in the race. He deployed his EPIRB and was rescued by a passing ship, bound for California, about 450 miles short of the finish line. Remarkably, he had the presence of mind to lower the main sail, trim the boat’s jib and set wind-vane self-steering to hold a course for Hawaii, so as Derk was carried east on the cargo ship, the Bela Bartok continued sailing south-west.

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Photo of Iceberg That Sank the Titanic Up for Sale

No one aboard the Titanic took a photograph of the iceberg that sank the famous ship in 1912, but two sailors made sketches of the berg, which had a distinctly elliptical shape. It so happens that two days before, what appears to be the same iceberg was photographed by Captain W.F. Wood of S.S. Etonian as they, unlike the Titanic,  passed the berg without hitting it. That photograph is coming up for auction, along with 400 articles of Titanic memorabilia by RR Auction. Bidding opens Dec. 13. The photo of the iceberg is expected to go for $8,000 to $10,000. Thanks to Dave Shirlaw on the Marine History list for pointing it out.

Photo of Iceberg That Sank the Titanic Up for Sale

J-15 Fighter Jet Lands and Takes Off from China’s First Aircraft Carrier Liaoning

At the end of last September, the New York Times quoted un-named “Chinese and other military experts”  regarding the Liaoning, the first Chinese aircraft carrier to go into service, that “China does not have planes capable of landing on the carrier and so far training for such landings has been carried out on land.”  That is no longer the case, as the Chinese released video over the weekend of a J-15,  Flying Sharkfighter jet landing and taking off on the carrier.  Thanks to Alaric Bond for contributing to the post.

China lands J-15 jet on Liaoning aircraft carrier

China Aircraft Carrier Completes Successful Test

Danger Adrift – Vincent Riou Retires From Vendee Globe After Collision with Drifting Buoy

Vincent Riou was forced to retire from the Vendee Globe over the weekend after his boat, PRG, struck a drifting steel buoy, off the coast of South America.  Riou had been in third place in the race and was considered a favorite. Riou came in first in the 2004-2005 Vendee Globe.  Seven sailors of the orginal fleet of twenty have retired from the race.

Striking floating or partially submerged objects in the water appears to be an increasingly dangerous hazard for sailors.  In February 2011, the max-trimaran Banque Populaire V ended an attempt to win the Jules Verne Trophy by sailing the fastest around the world non-stop, when it struck an “unidentifed floating object” and seriously damaged a dagger board while sailing in the South Atlantic.  (On its second attempt, Banque Populaire succeeded in capturing the Cup in January of 2012.)

Far more serious was the sinking of the Irish sail-training brigantine, the Asgard II, off Brittany in  2008.  A report by the Marine Casualty Investigation Board determined that a collision with an underwater object, such as a submerged container was the likely cause of the ship sinking.  By some estimates, 10,000 shipping containers are lost at sea yearly. Most, though unfortunately no all, sink to the bottom.  Some, depending on the cargo can float at or near the surface.

65.45 Knots! 75.32 MPH ! 121.21 KPH – Vestas Sailrocket 2 Smashes World Speed Records – Including its Own

Just six days after Paul Larsen in the Vestas Sailrocket 2 broke the world speed record in Walvis Bay, Namibia, subject to confirmation by WSSRC, he has now sailed a 500 meter course at an average speed of 65.42 knots!  This is close to ten knots faster than the previous record set by kiteboarder Rob Douglas of 55.65 knots – a record that stood for two years.  In just over a week, the Sailrocket 2 has broken that record three times. The Sailrocket 2 peaked at 68 knots during the record breaking run, sailing in winds of 27 to 32 knots.   Yesterday, we posted about the attempt to by the kiteboarding community to reclaim the record.  The Sailrocket team has now set the bar very, very high. Thanks to Nunzio for passing on the news.

Sailrocket runs 65.45 knots (75 mph) to smash World Speed Sailing Record

Kite With the Wind – A Quest to Reclaim the World Speed Record

When thinking of sailing speed records, the first vessels that come to mind are Alain Thébault’s hydrofoil trimaran, l’Hydroptere or the aptly named VESTAS Sailrocket 2. Both are highly engineered high tech craft which have been under developement for years. I tend to forget kite sailors, even though, Robert Douglas held the 500M world record for two years, for sailing his kite surfer at 55.65 knots.  Now that the Sailrocket appears to have captured  the record, the kite sailors are back to try to regain it.

Kiteboarder Plots New Course for Speed Sailing Record

Un-Discovering Sandy Island : the Well-Charted Pacific Island That Isn’t There

Scientists from Australia have just returned from a voyage of un-discovery.  They have proven that Sandy Island, which appears on many nautical charts and on Google Earth and Google Maps, does no exist. The island which is depicted on Google Earth as a dark oval, roughly 14 nautical miles long by 3 miles wide in the Coral Sea between New Caledonia and Australia,  simply isn’t there. Instead they found water over 4,600 feet deep.  Sany Islad has apparently appeared with some regularity on marine charts since at least 2000. The un-discovery took place onboard the RV Southern Surveyor, Australia’s Marine National Facility research vessel, during a 25-day research trip in the eastern Coral Sea.  Thanks to Alaric Bond, Phil Leon and Erik Abranson for pointing the storyout.

Where did it go? Scientists ‘undiscover’ Pacific island

On Thanksgiving – A Look at the Mayflower II

In the United States, today is celebrated as Thanksgiving, commermorating a 1621 feast of thanks-giving at the Plymouth colony in present-day Massachusetts. The year before in November of 1620 the ship Mayflower had carried a group of just over 100 English and Dutch Separatists, known as Pilgrims, across the Atlantic to the new colony.  Here is a short video about the Mayflower II, a replica of the original built in Devon, England, in a collaboration between  Warwick Charlton and the Plimoth Plantation.  On April 20, 1957, Mayflower II recreated the original voyage, sailing across the Atlantic under the command of Alan Villiers.

Mayflower II: A National Treasure

Vendée Globe: Leaders Cross the Equator & ‘Gutek’ Retires due to Autopilot Failures

Zbigniew Gutikowski

The six boats leading in the Vendée Globe non-stop round-the-world single-handed yacht race have all crossed the equator and are heading for the Southern Ocean.  The leaders are, respectively – Armel Le Cléac´hFrançois Gabart, Bernard Stamm, Vincent Riou, Jean-Pierre Dick, and Alex Thomson.  Meanwhile, Zbigniew Gutikowski, known as ‘Gutek,’  has retired from the race after facing repeated autopilot failures. ‘Gutek’ is the sixth of the original 20 racers to have retired from the race in the first eleven days of sailing.   ‘Gutek’ came in second overall in the 2010-2011 Velux Five Oceans singlehanded around the world race.

More Woes for the HMS Astute: Rusty, Slow & Leaky

HMS Astute, the first of seven new submarines, was delivered two years late, was well over budget and thus far is not yet in service, despite being delivered in 2009.  Her career has been marked by elements of both comedy and tragedy.  In October 2010, the Astute was practicing dropping off commandos when it ran aground off Skye in full view of the Skye Bridge.  Embarrassing and not very stealthy. When it was towed off, it collided with a tug boat. Then on her first day back at sea following repairs, she broke down and had to be towed back to port.   In April of 2011, a sailor aboard the Astute killed on officer and wounder another in a shooting rampage during a goodwill visit to Southhampton.  Only a month later, the sub was gain under tow back to port after a major hydraulic failure.

It s now being reported that the submarine cannot maintain design speed and could have trouble keeping up with the fleet that it is supposed to protect.  There have also been reports of flooding during a routine dive, corrosion in   equipment, nuclear reaction monitoring instruments of the wrong type and concerns that the periscope is flawed.

HMS Astute: nuclear submarine beset by design problems and construction failures

Update: VESTAS Sailrocket 2 Shatters 500M Speed Sailing Record Averaging 59.38 Knots!

Update: On Sunday, the VESTAS Sailrocket 2 set a new speed record for 500M of 59.38 knots and a new one nautical mile record of an average of 55.32 knots. Both records are subject to confirmed by the WSSRC.  The current holder of the nautical mile record is Alain Thébault on l’Hydroptère at 51.36 knots in Hyères, France, set in September 4, 2009.  If confirmed, the Sailrocket 2 will have beaten that record by almost 4 knots.

Vestas Sailrocket 2 Blitzes 500 Metre Record

Last year, we posted about the attempts by the VESTAS Sailrocket to break the sailing speed record. On Friday off Ludertiz, Namibia, they did just that over a 500M course, averaging 59.23 knots (109.69 Kmh, 68 Mph) with a peak speed of over 63 knots (116 Kph, 71 Mph). The record is still subject to World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSRC) ratification.  The previous kiteboard record was 55.65 knots set by Rob Douglas in 2010.  A video of the record speed run:

VESTAS Sailrocket 2 Outright world speed sailing record holder. (subject to WSSRC ratification)