Costa Allegra Arrives Safely, but Can Costa Crociere Survive?

After 72 hours without power,lights, air conditioning or hot food, the disabled Costa Allegra was towed safely to the island of Mahe in the Seychelles this morning. The fire in the engine room was extinguished by the ship’s force and despite being  inconvenienced and made uncomfortable, no passengers or crew were injured.  Nevertheless,  the fire and blackout on a Costa Lines ship so soon after the tragic sinking of the Costa Concordia is raising questions whether the Costa brand has been irreparably damaged.

Costa is a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation, the largest cruise operator in the world.  Today the Associated Press reported what had been widely rumored: “Industry experts said Costa’s survival after 60 years in the passenger ship business could depend on the company changing its name or getting a bailout from its parent, U.S.-based Carnival Corp.”
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George H. Moffett Jr. – Educator and Longtime Captain of the Mystic Seaport Schooner Brilliant

Sad news. George H. Moffett Jr., the captain of the Mystic Seaport Museum schooner Brilliant for 25 years, has died of melanoma at his home in Connecticut. He was 66.

Moffett was from a naval family. His grandfather, Admiral William A. Moffett, was known as the “father of naval aviation.”  George Moffett  studied engineering at  the Naval Academy during the Vietnam War, but questioned the morality of the conflict and transferred out. He would later earn a Master’s in Divinity from the University of Berlin and before moving back to the United States, would become headmaster of a small boarding school on the south coast of England.

From his obituary in the  In 1981, George found a position that allowed him to combine his love of sailing and background in education on the schooner Brilliant at Mystic Seaport. During the 25 years that he served as her captain, he introduced over 3,000 teenagers and adults to sea as part of the museum’s sail-education program. The job turned out to be a perfect match: as a teacher and mentor, he inspired self-discovery and courage by motivating his crew members to challenge themselves, persevere in hardship and never do things halfway. As an engineer, artist, and steward, he maintained the classic vessel to perfection. As a preservationist and communicator, he garnered appreciation for the yacht’s mission and craftsmanship and raised an endowment to make its operations sustainable. As a wanderer and tactician, he took the boat to ever further waters and won races on the New England Coast and to Bermuda. Most notably, he raced Brilliant across the Atlantic from Halifax to Amsterdam in Tall Ships 2000 and won first in class and first overall.

George H. Moffett Jr
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Thursday Daydream : the Mayan – David Crosby’s Legendary Schooner

On one hand, this is a very interesting use of Youtube by a yacht broker selling a classic yacht.   Here Bob Craven gives us a tour, a bit of history and low key sales pitch on David Crosby‘s legendary schooner – the Mayan.   Beyond that the video makes for a nice daydream for those of us lacking the ready cash to buy such a boat but who still enjoy the music and the images.  The Mayan has been on the market since around 2009. See our post  from April 2010 when we posted about Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young bandmate, Neil Young’s Baltic trader being for sale.

The Mayan – David Crosby’s legendary schooner

Galleon San Jose, the “Holy Grail of Ship Wrecks”

Scott – Action off Cartagena, 1708.

Yesterday, we posted about the lawsuits still ongoing related to the wreck of the Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes and quoted Cecilia Rodriguez, writing for Forbes.  Today Ms. Rodriguez has a wonderful article about the Galleon San Jose, often referred to as the “Holy Grail of Ship Wrecks.”  It is a tale of treachery, betrayal and deceit, and that refers to just the last 30 years of litigation.
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Update – Costa Allegra: A Big Catch for the Fishing Vessel Trevignon

The 275′ French tuna purse seiner Trevignon has made a much bigger catch than normal – the 28,430 gross tonne cruise ship Costa Allegra.   The Trevignon is slowly towing the cruise ship to Mahé, in the Seychelles, and is expected to arrive early Thursday.   The passengers and crew will have been aboard the ship without power, lights and air conditioning for almost 72 hours. Fresh food  and supplies are being airlifted to the ship by helicopter.  Two tugs are said to have arrived but the Trevignon has continued the tow.  Captain D. Peter Boucher, Kt. SMOM, Dip. LA., MN (Ret.) has interesting commentary on salvage rights and Lloyds Open Form (LOF) as applied to the Trevignon and the Costa Allegra on his blog, Nautical Log.

Costa Allegra passengers endure 72-hour ordeal on deck as ship is towed to safety

Danish Warship Absalon Rescues 16 Hostages from Hijacked Ship, 2 Hostages Die in Attack

HDMS Absalon

Sixteen hostages were freed when the Danish warship HDMS Absalon attacked pirates in control of a hijacker vessel off the coast of Somalia late Sunday.  Two crew from the hijacked ship were found to have severe injuries and subsequently died.   The circumstances of their injuries were not immediately known nor were their nationalities given.  Seventeen suspected pirates were also taken into custody.
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Plunderers Plundering the Plunder – Peru Claims Share of Coin Treasure

The silver and gold coins valued at $500 million that Odyssey Marine recovered from the wreck of the Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes have now been flown to Spain.  American courts ruled that the coins had been removed illegally and that they were Spanish property by treaty.  Odyssey and Spain were not, however, the only parties to  lawsuits over the treasure.  The government of Peru along with 17 families in Peru and Columbia, who are descendants of the original owners of the cargo, are also claiming a share.  The silver and gold were mined in Peru and Colombia, and the coins were struck at a mint in Lima.  Spain has rejected their claims.

Cecilia Rodriguez, writing in Forbes sums it up nicely:  To many in Colombia and Peru, this is yet another story of robbers robbing robbers, plunderers plundering the plunder of other plunderers.

Chasing Gold Coins to Spain

Costa Allegra Under Tow to Seychelles, Expected to Arrive Thursday

Photo released Tuesday by the Seychelles coast guard Photo:AFP/Getty

A French fishing vessel was the first ship to reach the stricken Costa Allegra, which has been drifting without power in the Indian Ocean, as the result of an engine room fire Monday. The fishing vessel took the cruise ship under tow and has since been joined by two tugs to assist in towing the stricken ship to the Seychelles.  The ship in tow is expected to arrive at the island of Mahé, in the Seychelles, on Thursday.

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Costa Allegra: Not A Sister Ship – the Unusual Transformation from Container Ship to Cruise Ship

Anniie Johnson III (Left), Costa Allegra (Right) Photo:Rickard Sahlsten & Peter Asklander

The headlines from several media sources (see here or here) have referred to the Costa Allegra, the cruise ship adrift in the Indian Ocean after an engine room fire, as a sister ship to the Costa Concordia.  A sister ship is generally defined as a “a ship of the same class as, or of virtually identical design to, another ship.”  To their credit, several newspapers have changed their headlines, no doubt after fact checkers pointed out that the two cruise ships are not anywhere close to being “sister ships.”  Second cousins, perhaps.

The Costa Allegra is an unusual ship.  She was built in 1969 and served for almost two decades as a container ship, the Annie Johnson III,  for Rederi AB Nordstjernan.  In 1986, she was sold to Antonis Lelakis, who planned on converting her to a cruise ship for Regency Cruises.  These plans fell through and she was passed between different owners until acquired by Costa in 1990.  Costa converted the ship at the T. Mariotti shipyard in Genoa, Italy. She entered service as Costa Allegra in 1992.
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Cruise Ship Costa Allegra Adrift off Seychelles After Fire

Costa Allegra

Sixteen months after the Carnival Splendor was blacked out by an engine room fire in the Pacific off the coast of Mexico, another Carnival owned cruise ship is drifting, dead in the water, after an engine room fire.  The Costa Allegra, a cruise ship owned by Costa Cruises, a Carnival Corporation subsidiary, had a fire in her after generator room and is now adrift, without propulsion and operating on emergency generators, approximately 200 miles SW of the Seychelle Islands in the Indian Ocean, near Alphonse Island.  There are reported to be 636 passengers and 413 crew aboard the ship which departed Madagascar on Saturday.  The fire was put out before it could spread to other areas in the ship by the ship’s shipboard fire-extinguishing system and the ship’s firefighting squads. No injuries were reported.
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Peter Maddison Occupying Clipper Ship City of Adelaide Again

Peter Maddison, right

Just as preparations for moving the world’s oldest surviving clipper ship, the City of Adelaide, to her namesake city in Australia, are getting underway, Peter Maddison, a former councillor from Sunderland, where the ship was built, has occupied the old clipper, again.  Maddison had previously staged a short occupation in 2009 when it appeared that the ship might by scrapped.  In 2009 he gave up his occupation when he ran short of provisions. This time, he has told BBC Scotland,  that he is stocked for a  “sustained occupation.”
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Update – Slavery at Sea? Abuse of Indonesian Sailors on Chartered Fishing Vessels

Last April we posted, Slavery at Sea ? Abuse of Sailors on New Zealand Chartered Fishing Vessels.

Secret papers reveal the government has allowed fishermen from poor countries to be exploited in New Zealand waters.  Workers are fishing in rusting boats turned into high seas sweatshops that take large parts of the country’s $1.4 billion-a-year catch. …  Files obtained under the Official Information Act show the government has known about the problem for some time.

Now, in a six-month investigation, Bloomberg Businessweek had documented similar abuse on at least ten vessels chartered to fish in New Zealand’s waters.

Fishing as Slaves on the High Seas
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Update: Admiral Confirms Nuclear Submarine Ekaterinburg Fully Armed During Fire

Last week we posted about a report by to the Russian magazine Vlast  that claimed that “Russia [was] … on the verge of the largest man-made disaster since Chernobyl” when a fire broke out on December 29th, 2011 on the K-84 Ekaterinburg, a Russian nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, in a dry-dock in Murmansk.

Despite claims by the Russian Defense Ministry that the submarine’s weapons had been removed prior to entering the drydock, Vlast said that the submarine was fully armed with 16 R-29 intercontinental ballistic missiles, each armed with four nuclear warheads as well as up to 12 torpedoes and anti-submarine missiles, each tipped with either 300 kilograms of high-power military explosive or a nuclear warhead.

Now, the Deputy Commander of the Northern Fleet, Vice Admiral Aleksander Vitko, has confirmed  that the submarine was brought into dock outside Murmansk without first having the weapons removed.  Sparks from welding were reported to have set fire to wooden scaffolding which spread to the rubber acoustic coating on the submarine’s hull. If any of the torpedoes had exploded, it is likely that they could have set off the fuel in the ballistic missiles or damaged the nuclear reactors.

Northern Fleet: The burning submarine was armed
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Rebuilding the Whaleship Charles W. Morgan – First Hull Plank

The Charles W. Morgan was launched in 1841. She is America’s last surviving wooden whaleship and is the “crown jewel” of the Mystic Seaport Museum collection.  She has been undergoing restoration at the Henry B. DuPont Preservation Shipyard at Mystic Seaport since 2010.  Earlier this week, they installed the first new hull plank, a significant milestone. Museum President, Steve White, drove in the first spike.

First Hull Plank

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Fisher Poets Gathering Underway This Weekend in Astoria

The 15th Annual Fisher Poets Gathering is underway in Astoria, Oregon.  As the name suggests, it is a gathering where poets of the sea swap verse, music and stories.  Men and women tied to the fishing industry share original poems, stories, songs, memoirs, essays and art in celebration of the work, its people and their concerns.  The gathering runs through tomorrow at Clatsop Community College.  Thanks to Darren O’Brien for pointing it out.

Fishermen Bards Trawl for Meaning

Matt Rutherford Sailing Singlehanded Around the Americas – In Need of Resupply

Matt Rutherford set out from Annapolis, Maryland last June 11th with an audacious goal. He intended to sail single-handed entirely around the Americas in a 27′ Albin Vega.  He planned to sail a counterclockwise loop up the East Coast, cross the the Arctic via the Northwest Passage, sail down the Pacific Coast of North and South America, around Cape Horn and then back north again to the East Coast of the US.  He has nearly made it. He is currently off the coast of Brazil. His problem now is that nearly everything on his boat is either broken or just worn out.  He is planning a resupply stop off Recife, Brasil and he could really use donations for new parts. Click the link below to learn more and/or make a donation.

Upcoming Resupply, Matt needs your help

From the Washington Post: Annapolis sailor on unprecedented, around-the-Americas odyssey

Thanks to Fernando Costa for passing the news along.

Return to the Mariana Trench – Teams Racing to Dive 6 NM Down

Virgin Deep Flight Challenger, submersible from one of possibly four attempts to return to the bottom of the Mariana Trench

Fifty two years ago, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and oceanographer Jacques Piccard dove to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the bathyscaphe Trieste. They were the first, and so far, the only humans to have ventured to the deepest spot in all the the world’s oceans.  Now three and possibly four teams are preparing to return to the depths of the Mariana Trench.

The vessels planning to return to the deepest place on earth include a three man submarine designed and built by Triton Submarines; a one man submarine, the Virgin Deep Flight Challenger, sponsored by Richard Branson’s Virgin Group, designed by Graham Hawkes, and to be piloted by Chris Welsh; and a submarine with a two or three man crew developed by DOER Marine. Hollywood director James Cameron is also understood to be preparing for a descent.
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Rum Running – Documentary Now Online at CBC’s “Land and Sea”

Last week we posted about “Rum Running,” a new documentary which was broadcast last weekend on CBCs “Land and Sea.”   It is now online and definitely worth watching.  It is a fascinating look at when many sailors in Nova Scotia stopped fishing and became international smugglers during Prohibition in the US in the 1920’s and 30’s.  Click here to watch the 21 minute documentary.

The Ruth Montgomery Collection at the Penobscot Marine Museum

The Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, Maine documents the rich and deep maritime history of the region and the town that was famous for its ship captains. The museum has a wonderful set of on-line, searchable, photography collections documenting the area’s ships, boats and the people who sailed them.  One such collection is a series of close to 500 glass plate negatives from Ruth Montgomery, a sea captain’s daughter from Boothbay that document her life and travels.

The Ruth Montgomery Collection at the Penobscot Marine Museum

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Seabourn Odyssey Rescues Three Men Adrift in the World’s Largest Ocean

Seaborne rescue boat approaching drifting fishermen

The Pacific Ocean is indeed the world’s largest ocean. It is hard to grasp just how many fisherman from the myriad of islands in the Pacific become lost, are carried away by a storm, break down or run out of fuel and find themselves adrift on this vast ocean. This month we posted “US Army Landing Craft, Great Bridge, Rescues 101 Adrift in the Pacific,” and last November we posted, “Adrift in the Pacific – Two Kiribati Men Missing for 33 Days Come Ashore in Marshall Islands.”  A year before we posted about “Three Teenagers Found Alive after Fifty Days adrift in Pacific Ocean.”   One wonders how many are never found.

This Sunday, the Seaborne Odyssey rescued three fishermen adrift in the Pacific 150 miles southwest of Pago Pago, America Samoa.  The fishermen had sailed from Apia in Western Samoa, had ran out of fuel and had been adrift for nearly three weeks.  This is apparently the second rescue involving a Seabourn ship in less than a year.
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