Update: Bulker Olivia Still Leaking Oil, Threatening Bird Life on Nightingale Island

Photo: Sean Burns

Last Wednesday the bulk carrier MV Olivia ran aground on Nightingale Island in the Tristan da Cuhna archipelago in the South Atlantic.  See our previous post. By Friday, she had broken up in heavy seas with 1,500 tonnes of heavy fuel oil in her bunker tanks.   The spilled oil is threatening wildlife, including nearly half of the world population of endangered Northern Rockhopper penguins.  There is also serious concern that if the vessel was harboring rats that they could be an even greater threat to land birds on previously rodent-free island.  Poison and bait stations are being sent to the island.

Oil still leaking from the Oliva at Tristan’s Nightingale Island

Return of Seals to New York Harbor and the Unexpected Migration of Harp Seals

Photo: Janet Jordon

When I first came to New York  thirty five years ago, the closest thing to wildlife in the waters of the harbor were what we referred to as “Hudson River trout” – condoms that had been flushed through the New York sewer system into the river,  that seemed to swim in and out with the tides.  Fortunately things have changed considerably since then.  Last April we posted about a harbor seal which chose to sunbathe in the Hudson River on the remains of an old Jersey City dock, directly across from Manhattan.  For over a hundred years there had been no seals in New York harbor until in 2006 when they began to return.  This year there is a colony of seals  on Swinburne Island,  just outside the mouth of the inner harbor. Seal watching boats have been running every weekend.  Seal watching season ends in New York by about the end of April when most seals migrate north.
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Lecture on Modern Piracy at the New Bedford Whaling Museum

A very interesting presentation at the New Bedford Whaling Museum on Tuesday evening for those in the area.

Commander Andrew J. Norris, USCG, will examine modern piracy in the next Sailors’ Series lecture on Tuesday, March 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cook Memorial Theater, New Bedford Whaling Museum.
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On this day in History – the Birth of the Dutch East India Company

On March 20th, 1602 the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, the VOC, or in English, the United Dutch East India Company was established as a chartered company.   It would dominate European trade with Asia for almost 200 years.

Dutch East India Company
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Claude Choules – Last World War I Combat Veteran Celebrates 110th Birthday

Claude Choules, the last surviving combat veteran of World War I celebrated his 110th birthday with family and friends in Perth earlier this month.   Though he served in two World Wars, the first in the Royal Navy and the second in the Australian Navy, he hated war according to his son, who said that he only marched in Anzac Day parades when he was ordered to.

Claude Choules, last World War I veteran ‘hated war,’ says son

He’s the last known male survivor of more than 70 million military personnel during WWI, after American veteran Frank Buckles passed away on Sunday also aged 110.
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Relaunching of the Thames Sailing Barge Cambria

Last November, we posted about the rebuilding of the last commercial Thames sailing barge, Cambria. The reconstruction is nearing its completion. Tomorrow, Monday 21st March, 2011, the Cambria will be relaunched into Faversham Creek, and move downstream to Iron Wharf to complete fitting-out.

CAMBRIA News: Today is the our day
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Rum’s in the family – Ipswich distillery inspired by privateer ancestor

Photo: Mark Teiwes

We can only wish them the best of luck and look forward to trying their rum.

Rum’s in the family – Ipswich distillery inspired by privateer ancestor

It seems Andrew Cabot has inherited not only his name, but some business sense and a taste for rum from his ancestor.
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Bulker MV Oliva Breaking-up on Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha

The Greek-owned 75,000 tonne bulk carrier, MV Oliva ran aground  on March 16th at 04.30, at Spinners Point, on the far north-west promontory of Nightingale Island, a 4 square kilometer island in the Tristan da Cunha archipelago in the South Atlantic.   The crew of 22 have been taken to safety on Tristan da Cuhna.   As of Friday, it was reported that the MV Oliva was breaking up and that all or part of  part of her 1,500 tonnes of heavy fuel oil was spilling into the water around Nightingale Island.   The MV Oliva was in transit from Santos, Brazil to Singapore with a cargo of soybeans.   A salvage tug is on its way from Cape Town and is expected to arrive at Nightingale on the 21st.

Tristan da Cunha is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, lying 2,816 kilometres (1,750 mi) from the nearest land, South Africa, and 3,360 kilometres (2,088 mi) from South America.  There is considerable concern about the environmental and economic impact of the grounding.
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Super Full Moon!

Tonight the moon will rise larger and brighter than it has in almost twenty years.   It will be a super “perigee moon” when the appearance of the full moon coincides with the passing of the moon closest to the earth.

Super Moon

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Artist Required for The Tall Ships Races 2011 onboard Gaff Ketch Swan

This sounds like a wonderful gig for the right artist.

Artist required for The Tall Ships Races 2011 onboard Swan

In a first for The Tall Ships Races, the former herring drifter Swan will host an artist in residence for the whole of The Tall Ships Races 2011. In a project called, ‘LK 243 Undersail’, the Swan Trust with partners, Shetland Arts and Taigh Chearsabhagh Arts Centre, North Uist has received funding from Creative Scotland and Scotland’s Islands Fund. The project will focus on Swan, its crew, the host ports and the people involved in The Tall Ships Races 2011.
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Shipwreck Furniture

Just reading in Treehugger about Nic Kruger, a furniture designer, in Knysna, South Africa, who runs Shipwreck Furniture, which makes  tables, benches and shelves from timber recovered from shipwrecked boats.  Very interesting stuff.   Not sure that it goes with the decor in my house.  Then again, most of the time, my office looks a bit like a shipwreck, so who knows.    To check out their portfolio of furniture click here.


Interview with a Multi-millionaire Pirate

The son of a fisherman, who moved on to selling khat, Saeed Yare became a pirate only two years ago and  “earned” over $2.4 million in 2010 in ransom of ships and crews.  It is estimated that piracy is inflicting a $12-billion toll on the global economy.

Somali pirate: I made $2.4 mln from ransoms in 2010
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Happy Maewyn Succat’s Day

Maewyn Succat

We have been posting a lot about piracy and kidnapping recently.  Today is a reminder about how little things change over the centuries.  Somewhere around the year 400 AD, a lad of 16, named Maewyn Succat, was kidnapped by pirates from his home in Britain and was taken as a slave to Ireland.  He was a slave for six years, during which time he converted to Christianity.   He finally escaped and returned to his family in England.  He  became a priest and studied at a seminary in France.   When he was almost 60, he returned to Ireland.  By then Pope Celestine I had given him the name “Patercius” or “Patritius.”    We know him better these days as Patrick.   He did alright in Ireland.   He founded over three hundred churches and apparently had a way with snakes.   Today is his feast day.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.

Tom Hanks to Play Captain Richard Phillips in Maersk Alabama Hijacking Movie

It is being reported that Tom Hanks will play Captain Richard Phillips in a new movie about the attempted hijacking of the Maersk Alabama by Somali pirates in 2009.    The movie, based on Phillip’s book , A Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALS, and Dangerous Days at Sea, is being produced by Kevin Spacey and the team from “The Social Network.”

Tom Hanks to play heroic captain Richard Phillips



Update: Wisdom, the Albatross, Survives Tsunami

Last week we posted about a Laysan albatross, nicknamed Wisdom, who, at at least 60, is the oldest known wild bird and who also recently became a mother again, delivering a healthy chick.   The BBC has now reported that while the tsunami killed thousands of albatrosses and other endangered species at a wildlife sanctuary north-west of Hawaii,  Wisdom was among the survivors.  Perhaps that shouldn’t be too surprising.  She is one tough old bird.

Japan tsunami: Thousands of seabirds killed near Hawaii

A Country in Trouble – A Glimpse of Post-Tsunami Japan

An excellent report by ABC which, among other things, highlights the humanitarian support being provided by the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

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Life Plus 80 Years – Five Pirates Sentenced for Attack on USS Nicholas

On April 1st, last year, fittingly enough, April Fool’s Day, a group of Somali pirates in open boats decided to attack the 445-foot guided-missile frigate, USS Nicholas.  The outcome was predictable.   Five pirates were captured and their boats were sunk.   At the end of November the five were convicted of piracy in a Virginia court, the first piracy conviction in an American courtroom since 1819.  Yesterday, they were sentenced to life terms plus eighty years.   In February, Abdiwali Abdiqadir Muse, the only surviving pirate from the attack on the Maersk Alabama was sentenced to 33 years and nine months for his crimes.

5 Somali pirates get life for attack on Nicholas

A Celebration of the Trireme at the Mariners’ Museum

I am a huge fan of triremes and  am looking forward to seeing the trireme Olympias when she visits New York harbor during Op-Sail in 2012.  In the mean time, however, the Mariners’ Museum in Hampton Roads, VA is hosting a two day Celebration of the Trireme.   Presented by the Friends of the Trible Library and Friends of the Mariners’ Museum Library, it is being held on March 17 & 18, 2011.   March 17th with feature  a panel discussion, moderated by Bill Cogar: “The Trireme and Athenian Democracy” at the CNU David Student Union, Ball Room at 4pm.  On March 18th, there will be a presentation: “Rowing the Olympias” by Dr. Gordon Kelly of Lewis and Clark College.

For more trireme posts, click here.