In light of the recent claims in Louise Patten’s new book, Good as Gold , which we posted about earlier this week, we are very pleased to welcome Tim Maltin, author of 101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic…But Didn’t, as guest blogger, to provide his perspective regarding the legendary and apparently, often mythical, ship.
Titanic Myths
The sinking of the Titanic is one of the best documented disasters in history. In 1912, this catastrophe was the subject of detailed public enquiries on both sides of the Atlantic. During these full hearings, more than 50,000 questions were asked of more than 100 eye-witnesses. All of their answers were recorded, in full, and published generally, as well as kept in libraries up and down the country. And yet what most of us knows about the sinking of the Titanic today is a far cry from what actually happened that night, when 1,500 people froze to death in the North Atlantic.
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