PFDs are still Life Savers

A recent Coast Guard report on boating safety noted:  “Nearly 75 percent of the 736 people who died in boating accidents in 2009 drowned, and 84 percent of those victims reportedly were not wearing a life jacket,” said Rear Adm. Kevin Cook, the Coast Guard’s director of prevention policy. “The two most important things boaters can do to prevent the loss of life is to wear a life jacket and take a boater education course.”
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Maritime Festivals This Week – Michigan, Lake Champlain and the Connecticut River

This is a busy week for maritime festivals in the US.   In Grand Haven, Michigan, the Michigan Pirate Festival 2010 kicked off yesterday with a very Hollywood version of pirates and piracy.  So aargh and shivery m’ timbers.  If only the problem of piracy were so benign.  The festival runs through Sunday.    Also in Michigan, the White Lake Area Maritime Festival will be held from August 12-14th.

In Burlington, Vermont,  the Lake Champlain Maritime Festival starts up this Thursday, with lots of music, exhibits and scenic cruises throughout the weekend.    Not to be outdone by Michigan’s Pirates, Nightmare Vermont’s troupe of pirates will be swashbuckling and roaming the waterfront.   Classic Sailing Vessel “Friend Ship” and the Spirit of Ethan Allen will be offering cruises from the Burlington Boat House.

On Saturday the Connecticut River Museum’s Annual Family Maritime Festival starts in Essex, CT., with maritime games, songs, and schooner deck tours offered free of charge throughout the afternoon.  There will be demonstrations on how to make rope, caulk a ship, and sing a sea chantey.  Tickets for afternoon sails on the the historic schooner Mary E will also be available.   In the evening, a picnic concert will feature sea chanteys sung by the Freemen of the Sea and folk rock performed by Amalgamated Muck.

India’s Own Atlantis – Searching for 2000 year old Undersea City

In 2004, at least 170 people died when a tsunami hit the fishing village of Poompuhar,  in India on the Bay of Bengal.    According to legend, this was not the first time.   As described in ancient Tamil texts and by Ptolemy and Pliny, Poompuhar was once a major port city which traded with the Roman Empire and China, until it was “swallowed by the sea,”  over two thousand years ago in what in modern terms must have been a tsunami.   Now an expedition is being launched to explore the sea bottom off Poompuhar for evidence of the ancient city.

Post-tsunami, raising the lost treasures of Poompuhar challenge divers
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Joan Baez, Smokey Robinson, Beach Boys Start Queen Mary’s First Outdoor Concert Series – Aug. 13

Folk music legend Joan Baez and special guest Roger McGuinn will kick off the first of the “Summer Concert Series at the Queen Mary” this Friday, August 13th,  as part of the summer-long 2010 Long Beach Sea Festival.  This will be the first a series concerts planned for August and September at the Harry Bridges Memorial Park at the Queen Mary including performances by Motown giant Smokey Robinson on Aug. 18, legendary Southern California rock band the Beach Boys on Aug. 19 and three-time Grammy®-Award winning folk-rock artist Lucinda Williams and special guest JP, Chrissie & The Fairground Boys on Aug. 26.

Thanks to Alaric Bond for passing on news of the event.

What’s SUP? Stand-Up Paddling – the New Rage on the Water

About a year ago, I saw what appeared to be a man standing up in the middle of the Hudson River. That is about all I could see.  He appeared to making a sweeping motion with his hands and arms and looked to be holding a broom stick of some sort.  As he got closer I could see that he was standing on a rather wide surf board and the  broomstick was a paddle. He was paddling standing up, which to a kayaker like myself seemed both tiring and a bit perilous.

Now it appears that SUP, stand-up paddling, has hit the mainstream. Both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times (twice) have featured SUP in articles within the last several weeks.  The sport has its own magazine, books, DVDs and of course, lots of gear.  It all still looks a bit odd to a SDP (Sitting Down Paddler) like me, but it is intriguing nevertheless.

Surf’s Up: The Rise of Stand-up Paddle Boards

A Surfing Icon Embraces a Mellower Wave & This Summer’s Hamptons

10 years on, Mystery of the Confederate sub Hunley Remains

Ten years ago today, the Confederate Navy submarine H.L. Hunley was raised from the bottom of Charleston harbor in South Carolina, where it sank in 1864.  The Hunley was the first submarine to sink an enemy warship in combat.   A decade after the submarine was raised, there is still no consensus on the cause of the submarine sinking after it attacked and sank the USS Housatonic on blockade duty in Charleston’s outer harbor.

10 years on, mystery of Confederate sub remains
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Huge Ice Island Calves from Greenland’s Petermann Glacier

Enormous Ice Block Breaks Off Greenland Glacier

A 100-square-mile block of ice 600 feet thick has calved off one of the largest ocean-bordering glaciers in Greenland. The Arctic hasn’t lost a chunk of ice that big since 1962.

“In the early morning hours of August 5, an ice island four times the size of Manhattan was born in northern Greenland,” oceanographer Andreas Muenchow of University of Delaware said in a press release August 6. “The freshwater stored in this ice island could keep the Delaware or Hudson rivers flowing for more than two years. It could also keep all U.S. public tap water flowing for 120 days.”

Petermann glacier is located about 600 miles south of the North Pole. Muenchow and a team of scientists have been studying it since 2003. They had been expecting the glacier to calve, but this piece is much larger than anyone had expected.

The glacier lost about one-quarter of its 43-mile long floating ice-shelf.

Lobster, Crawfish & Wine – Three Harbor Food Festivals this Weekend

This is the season for waterfront and harbor festivals.   Here are three that promise good food along with music and the sea air.

In Washington state, the first Gig Harbor Wine & Food Festival starts at noon today at the future site of the Harbor History Museum.   The festival features tasting tent with more than 35 wineries, local restaurants and food businesses and is sponsored by the Harbor History Museum and the Gig Harbor Historic Waterfront Association.

About a thousand miles down the Pacific Cost, as part of the summer-long Long Beach Sea Festival, the 17th Annual Long Beach Crawfish Festival starts today, promising lots of crawfish and Zydeco music.  A taste of Louisiana on the West Coast.

Down East on the East Coast, in Rockland Maine the 63rd Annual Maine Lobster Festival is in fill swing.  It started on Wednesday and continues through Sunday.

The Sapphire Princess and the Already Dead Whales

An update to our previous post – the Sapphire Princess cruise ship, which was found to have impaled a female humpback whale on her bulbous bow last week, probably did not kill the whale.  A necropsy finished this week suggests that the whale was already dead.  This is the second dead whale impaled by the Sapphire Princess in two years.  Almost exactly a year ago, the Sapphire Princess arrived in Vancouver with 70′ fin whale impaled on its bow.  A subsequent necropsy determined that the fin whale had also probably been dead when struck by the cruise ship.

Confirmation – Tanker M. Star Hit by Terrorist Bomb

Inspectors have identified traces of  homemade explosives on the hull of the MOL tanker M. Star, confirming that it was the target of a terrorist attack.    The ship  was struck by an explosion just after midnight on July 28, as the vessel was traveling through the Strait of Hormuz.   A group with ties to Al-Qaida has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Japanese oil tanker hit by terrorist bomb, say inspectors
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Shackleton’s 101-Year-Old Whisky – Aged in Ice

We recently posted about the world’s oldest champagne found on the Baltic seabed.  While not as old, yet equally historic, a case of Shackleton’s Whisky has recently gone on display at the the Canterbury Museum in Christchurch on New Zealand’s South Island.
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Nina and Pinta Replicas Visiting Hudson, Wisconsin

Nina & Pinta

Replicas of two of Christopher Columbus’ ships, the Nina and Pinta, will be visiting Hudson, Wisconsin. The ships will be open to visitors at the Hudson Docks from Friday, Aug. 6, through Monday, Aug. 16.

Columbus Ship Replicas Come To Wisconsin

The “Nina” was built without power tools. Archaeology magazine calls it “the most historically correct Columbus replica ever built.” The “Pinta” was recently built to accompany the “Nina.”
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Songs of Many Waters on the Deck of the Tanker Mary Whalen

Sounds like a great evening for those in the New York area.  Thanks to Al Cuenin for the heads up.

From oceans to puddles, songs of the seas, lakes, canals, and the ships and sailors who sail them. A singalong evening aboard an historic tanker, the Mary Whalen. Bring voices, instruments, and ears. Bring the kids. Bring a picnic. This will be a grand evening for the whole family.

When:  Sunday 8 August, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. TankerTime aboard the Mary Whalen starts at 5:00 p.m.
Where: see
Who: Singers and musicians from the Folk Music Society of New York
How much: Free

2010 Salem Maritime Festival Aug. 6-7

The Salem Maritime Festival starts this Friday.  The tall ship Friendship of Salem will be joined in port by Schooner Thomas E. Lannon and Schooner Fame of Salem.   The Friendship is a replica of an 1797 East Indiaman.    The Thomas E. Lannon is based on the design of a fishing schooner while the Fame is a replica of the successful privateer from the War of 1812.  In addition to these vessels, the master gun team of USS Constitution will conduct full gun exercises with a replica 1812-era 5,600-pound cast iron long gun.   There will also be live demonstrations of  boat-building, coopering, rope making, cargo loading, sail-setting, and other traditional crafts.

2010 Salem Maritime Festival Aug. 6-7

What Happened to the VLCC M. Star? Al Qaeda Group Claims Attack, Doubts Persist

Over the last week, there have been no shortage of theories and often contradictory claims about what caused the damage to the hull and deck house of the MOL tanker M. Star while transiting the Straits of Hormuz.   The initial suggestion by a port official in the United Arab Emirates that the ship was hit by a freak wave has been largely discounted.    Likewise the claim by an Iranian marine authority that the explosion was do “tank overheating”, does not appear consistent with the damage to the ship.  Other theories have included a collision, possibly with a submarine, a grenade and sea mine.  Recently there has been speculation that the damage was caused by a waterborne improvised explosive device.

Recently, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, a group associated with Al Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for an attack on  the ship.   Some analysts have expressed skepticism as the group has made questionable claims in the past.   The investigation continues.

U.S. Coast Guard Celebrates 220th Birthday

Happy birthday to the United States Coast Guard!   Two hundred and twenty years ago today, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, created the Revenue-Marine, later renamed the Revenue Cutter Service.  For nine years, until the re-establishment of the United States Navy in 1798, the Revenue Cutter Service was the only naval force of the young republic.  The  U.S. Coast Guard was established in 1915 when the Revenue Cutter Service was merged with the United States Life-Saving Service.    The joining of the two organizations established the Coast Guard’s dual role of life saving and law enforcement.

U.S. Coast Guard to celebrate 220th birthday

I see that today is also the birthday of President Obama, who is 171 years younger than the US Coast Guard.  Our best birthday wishes to both.

A.J. Meerwald In Cape May, NJ

The lovely schooner A.J. Meerwald will be sailing out of Cape May, one of the loveliest towns in New Jersey, through early September.   From the folks at Bayshore Discovery Project:

Utsch’s Marina in Cape May will be the port-of-call for New Jersey’s Tall Ship, the authentically restored 1928 oyster schooner A.J. Meerwald, from August 3 through Sept. 5, 2010. The Meerwald offers unique sailing experiences for visitors young, old and in-between. Join a pirate crew, sample some salty oysters, trawl for marine life, send the kids off for a day-camp on the high seas, or take an evening cruise after a day on the beach.
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Laura Dekker to Sail Tommorrow – First Portugal and then the World

Just over a week after a Dutch court gave 14 year old Laura Dekker permission to attempt to sail around the world alone, the teenager is setting sail.   She will be sailing first from the Netherlands to Portugal with her father as crew.   Her solo round the world attempt will start from Portugal at a date yet to be announced.   One of the objections to her attempted round the world sail was that it will interfere with her schooling.   Perhaps to assuage these concerns, Ms. Dekker has posted a photo of the school books she will be taking with her on her voyage on her blog.

Youngest solo round-the-world sailing set to begin