In recent weeks there been considerable interest generated by an application for a patent filed by the US Navy for a compact cold fusion nuclear reactor. For decades, “cold fusion” has been the holy grail of clean energy research. Progress was being made but the great breakthrough was always 25 or 50 years away, receding into the future like a shimmering chimera. If the Navy really has the secret of cold fusion, the ability to harness the power of the stars in a stable and compact space, it could literally change the world.
From what can be seen in the patent application, (and so far it is only an application. A patent has not been granted) there is considerable work to be done before the device is workable, if it ever is. One other thing is notable about the application. As reported by the War Zone, “This latest design is the brainchild of the elusive Salvatore Cezar Pais.”