A video of a humpback whale gulping up and spitting out a kayaker has gone viral over the last week. Adrián Simancas was kayaking with his father, Dell Simancas, in the Strait of Magellan, off Chile’s southernmost Patagonia region, when … Continue reading
Tag Archives: humpback whale
The BBC reports that a humpback whale has made one of the longest and most unusual migrations ever recorded, possibly driven by climate change, scientists say. It was seen in the Pacific Ocean off Colombia in 2017 and then popped up … Continue reading
A humpback whale that appeared to be lunge feeding breached the water and landed on a recreational boat near Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Tuesday, capsizing the vessel and tossing two occupants into the water, the United States Coast Guard said. … Continue reading
On Sunday, a crowd gathered to watch the examination and burial of the carcass of a beached humpback whale in the sand in the beach at Atlantic City, NJ. It was the second whale to come ashore in the city … Continue reading
For only the second time, a “megapod” of humpbacks whales, estimated to be between 100 and 150 animals, was sighted off the south coast of Australia’s New South Wales feasting on baitfish in what was described as a feeding frenzy. … Continue reading
A diver from Cape Cod, Massachusetts was gulped up and then spat out by a humpback whale feeding off the coast of Provincetown early Friday morning. The diver, Michael Packard, 56, of Wellfleet, was hunting for lobsters while about 45 … Continue reading
Yesterday afternoon saw unusual traffic on the Hudson River in New York’s inner harbor. A humpback whale was seen swimming in the Hudson, off Pier 84, on Monday afternoon. The whale is no stranger to New York waters. Gotham Whale‘s … Continue reading
Whale-watchers aboard the Atlantic Monterey witnessed an amazing show on Sunday when three humpback whales performed an extremely rare triple breach in Monterey Bay, CA. And it was caught on video (see after the page break.) SFGate reports that the … Continue reading
Humpback whales are back, or, at the very least, there seems to be a good case for cautious optimism. In 1986, at the beginning of the moratorium on commercial whaling, the global population of humpback whales had dropped by 90% … Continue reading
Here is a wonderful video shot on Halloween a quarter-mile offshore from Seabright Beach in Santa Cruz, CA. A bikini clad surfer paddles over to a group of kayakers who are out watching the large number of humpbacks who are … Continue reading
An update to our previous post – the Sapphire Princess cruise ship, which was found to have impaled a female humpback whale on her bulbous bow last week, probably did not kill the whale. A necropsy finished this week suggests that the whale was already dead. This is … Continue reading
Last summer, the Sapphire Princess, a cruise ship operating on the South-West coast of Alaska, arrived in the port of Vancouver with a 70 foot long fin whale impaled on its bulbous bow. Wednesday, almost exactly a year later, … Continue reading
Whale watchers were stunned last week to see 28 blue whales feeding on krill in Monterey Bay. Blue whales are the largest animal ever to live on earth and are also highly endangered with an estimated population of only 10,000 … Continue reading
A 25 foot long baby humpback whale washed ashore on Jones Beach, on Long Island, New York yesterday morning. There were no immediate signs of injury. A necropsy will be performed today to determine what killed the whale. In April, another … Continue reading