Close Encounters of the Humpback Kind — Gulping & Spitting Out Swimmers, Surfers, & Kayakers

A video of a humpback whale gulping up and spitting out a kayaker has gone viral over the last week.  Adrián Simancas was kayaking with his father, Dell Simancas, in the Strait of Magellan, off Chile’s southernmost Patagonia region, when … Continue reading

Tree Rings Help Identify Long Lost Rhode Island Whaling Ship Dolphin in Patagonia

In 1858, the whaling ship Dolphin sailed from Warren, Rhode Island, and never returned. The New York Times notes that the ship’s 42-person crew was rescued the following year from the waters of the southern Atlantic Ocean by an Argentine mariner, … Continue reading

Largest Mass Whale Stranding Ever Reported in Patagonia

Scientists have reported the largest whale stranding on record — 337 dead whales were discovered in a remote fiord in the Patagonia, southern Chile.  The discovery was made using aerial and satellite photography last June but was first leaked the Chilean … Continue reading