Sailors Sewing Cloth Masks on US Aircraft Carriers, USS Roosevelt Infections Rise to 550

Since April 5, the U.S. Navy has required fabric face coverings for all service members and civilians where social distancing isn’t possible, such as in the cramped quarters aboard an aircraft carrier or other Navy ship. While they required face … Continue reading

The Virus — An Enemy The US Navy Is Not Prepared To Fight

Given the complete debacle of the current administration’s response to the coronavirus, one might hope that our military might be better capable of reacting to the crisis. So far, the US Navy, at least, has demonstrated only how ill-prepared it … Continue reading

Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt Diverted to Guam Due to Virus Outbreak

The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) has diverted to Guam following an outbreak of coronavirus onboard. Following initial news of three infected sailors, the number of cases is now said to have risen to “dozens.”  The sailors … Continue reading

USS Gerald R. Ford, Clogged Toilets and Overflowing Costs

The US Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford, is the largest aircraft carrier ever built and, at over $13 billion, is also the most expensive. Nevertheless, because of problems with mission-critical systems, the ship has been referred to … Continue reading

“Ghost Fleets” — US & China Prepare Drones For Sea

Both the US Navy and the Chinese Navy are working to develop “ghost fleets” of drone ships. The US Navy has been working on developing unmanned vessels since at least 2016. Four years ago, we posted about Sea Hunter, the … Continue reading

Royal Navy and US Navy Aircraft Carriers — Integration or Outright Lease?

USNI News recently quoted Adm. Tony Radakin, the First Sea Lord and U.K. Chief of Naval Staff suggesting that the U.K. Royal Navy intends the HMS Queen Elizabeth its largest, most advanced warship ever built, to be considered interchangeable with … Continue reading

Seventy Five Years Ago Today — Battle off Samar, a Victory Against All Odds

The Battle of Leyte Gulf was fought seventy-five years ago this week between the US and Australian navies and the Imperial Japanese Navy.  It was the largest naval battle of World War II and by some standards the largest naval … Continue reading

US Navy Deploys Carrier Group (Without a Carrier) & Activates 28 Ready Reserve Cargo Ships

Four ships from the Navy’s carrier Harry S. Truman Strike Group are deploying from the East Coast this week. Notably, the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman is not one of the ships being deployed as it is still undergoing repairs for … Continue reading

GAO Report on USS Zumwalt Debacle — Deficiencies, Delays and No Big Guns

A new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) criticizes the Navy and the shipyard, Bath Iron Works, for serious deficiencies with the DDG 1000 Zumwalt-class destroyer program. The report found more than 320 “serious deficiencies” found upon inspection when … Continue reading

Navy Orders Four Orca XLUUV Drone Submarines From Boeing

The US Navy has recently ordered four Orca Extra-Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (XLUUVs) from Boeing, in a contract worth $43 million. The Orca XLUUVs are very large diesel-electric drone submarines intended to gather intelligence, place or clear naval mines, attack … Continue reading

Autonomous Ship Sea Hunter Sails From California to Hawaii & Back

Two years ago we posted about the ASW Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV), Sea Hunter, a 132′ long autonomous drone trimaran designed to track enemy submarines, being developed by the US Navy. The unmanned ship reached a major milestone recently after sailing autonomously … Continue reading

Navy Supply Officer “Kaz” Prince Pleads Guilty in $2.7 Million Procurement Scam

Lieutenant Randolph M. Prince, known as “Kaz,” had a pretty slick arrangement. “Kaz” was a supply officer in Virginia Beach, VA. Through friends, he set up sham companies which would be awarded government contracts by Prince. He would generate all the necessary paperwork and certify … Continue reading

China Hacks the Sea Dragon — Secret Plans of Anti-Ship Missile

The Washington Post has reported that Chinese government hackers have broken into the computers of a Navy contractor, stealing more than 600 GB of highly sensitive data related to undersea warfare — including secret plans to develop a supersonic anti-ship missile for use … Continue reading